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Holiday Box Owls!

November 27, 2020

Holiday crafts spruce up your house with a festive atmosphere and keep your little ones thinking creatively as well! These cardboard owls thought of by Melissa Burnell are easy to make and are a great way to upcycle your NIKU Boxes! 

We believe there is always more we can do to reduce and reuse our products, and in a time of holidays, gift wrapping, and unboxing – we thought it would be a cool idea to change unboxing into something reusable! This cardboard DIY won’t cost you any extra money and can be easily done with standard supplies lying around your home. It takes less than 20 minutes to finish and is such an adorable addition to your home decor.

Materials you’ll need: 

How to make it: 


That’s all! Tag us on Instagram @nikufarms and show us your awesome recycled creations! We’d love to share your holiday cheer with others and can’t wait to see them 🙂