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How to Grow Greens Indoors | NIKU Farms

April 14, 2021

The convenience of finishing a long day of work and having all the NIKU Farms meat or fish you need in the freezer is great. What would pair even better with pasture raised meat would be access to fresh herbs and vegetables from the comfort of your own home!

Green onions growing in a plastic container on the window sill.

Staying home these past many months has been the perfect opportunity to welcome some green potted friends to our indoor environment. You don’t need a full backyard and bed of soil to plant your own little herbs and vegetables. Here are some plants that do perfectly fine in the shade of your condo, apartment, or other indoor space. 

Regrow your green onions: 

Did you know that you can regrow your green onions with little to no effort? Take your recently purchased batch and just leave 1-2 inches uncut near the roots. Place these in shallow water just so the roots remain moist, and let them sit in sunlight for around 3 hours a day. Little shoots will begin to grow back from the bottom and you’ll be able to pot the plant once they grow up to 4 inches long.

If you don’t want to pot your green onions you can also place them in a container of shallow water. Be sure to change the water daily if you do so and if not, remember to water your potted plant as well. Your green onions will grow very quickly and will be a brand new fresh source of garnish and extra flavour. 

Fresh herbs from the store: 

A lot of stores and nurseries offer pre-potted fresh herbs for you to pick up and take home. Imagine having a basil plant available to make pesto sauce whenever you want. Fresh rosemary for your roast chicken, or some mint for your tangy lemonade in the summertime. 

These herbs take little to no maintenance and just need some daily sunlight and water. Before you know it, you’ll have your very own fresh herb garden and won’t even remember those dried spices in the cabinet! 

Regrow your celery scraps: 

Similar to green onions, celery is one of the easiest vegetables to regrow. As you cut off the celery from its base, leave about an inch or two intact and place it in some shallow water. Change the water often and give it lots of sunlight.

After about a week you’ll see that the middle has grown back and is reaching regular thickness. By this time it would be best to re-pot it into a pot and some soil, but it is also possible to just keep it in water. 

If you choose to keep it in water, take four toothpicks and insert one into each side of the stalk. Allow for the celery with toothpicks attached to hover above the mouth of your water container so that the water roots are dangling free and the entire stalk is not submerged in water. Do make sure that the water is touching the roots, though. 

There are many more vegetables that are capable of regenerating themselves through scraps. Mother nature is pretty cool like that! From avocado, bok choy, to pineapples – we’ll be sure to highlight some more options that you could try in the future.