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Seasonal Produce in Ontario, April | NIKU Farms

April 8, 2021

April is the month of wearing t-shirts even though it’s not that warm yet, and layering jackets even though it’s too hot for it. In this confusing Canadian spring, the pastures begin to grow back and farm activity revs up all across the province.

What's in season, overlay over seasonal produce.

This is your monthly reminder that eating sustainably also means being aware of where your food is coming from in order to support your local food system. Keep this in mind as you shop for groceries this month, and look for foods in-season (because that means they were most likely sourced locally!).

List of seasonal produce in Ontario, as listed below.

Ontario fruits and vegetables in April: 

Challenge yourself to think of your ingredients as what dictates your meals this month. Rather than looking for cool recipes to make, try to search for some root-vegetable recipes to enjoy! We’ve got a great Rosemary and Lemon Butter Chicken Roast recipe here that deliciously incorporates root vegetables. Save this post for your list of locally Ontario-grown produce during the month of April, and perhaps find some ways to incorporate these into your meal plans.

Before we know it, farmers’ markets will be opening back up and ready to sell, don’t forget to support small businesses and buy Ontario produce! If you’re looking for a place to purchase local grass-fed meat to complete your locally sourced meals, sign up with NIKU Farms and customize your first order today.