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30 Things to try for Earth Day | NIKU Farms

April 15, 2021

Small actions slowly build up and make a difference. With our small farm partners and local delivery, we know this better than anyone. NIKU Farms is about coming together and making a bigger impact. Since we’re only one week away from Earth Day 2021, let’s start correcting some of our unsustainable habits little by little.

A purple flower alone in a pasture. A yellow chicken shelter can be seen in the background.

Not everything is going to work for everyone, and that’s ok. Take a look at our list of ideas for you to browse on how you can make more sustainable choices in your daily life. Feel free to pick some to do during the coming week and beyond! 

  1. Walk or bike instead of drive. If you can avoid driving somewhere, do it. Walk, bike, carpool, take a bus – anything else that will cut down on the car pollution.
  2. Go zero-waste for one day. Cut back on wasteful plastic products and go reusable instead.
  3. Take a quick shower – skip the long bath time.
  4. Hold back on bulk buying packs of plastic water bottles. Buy a reusable water container and refill it as needed, rather than constantly going through plastic bottles.
  5. Think twice before placing that Amazon order. Do you need the item immediately? Think about the waste that goes into each package and transporting it to you before clicking Buy.
  6. Bring reusable bags when you go grocery shopping.  It will prevent so many plastic grocery bags from ending up in landfills.
  7. Plant something! Whether it’s a tree, a garden, or a flower – positively contribute to your environment!
  8. Properly recycle your trash (see our NIKU Recycling Guide). Put recyclables in the blue and grey bin, and use your compost for food waste.
  9. Shop second hand rather than brand new. Instead of spending money on fast fashion, head to the thrift store!
  10. Invest in some metal straws! You never know when you’ll need a straw, but instead of grabbing more from the fast food chain, get a reusable one.
  11. Buy local groceries. It’s far more environmentally friendly to buy local than get your groceries imported. Support your local small businesses!
  12. Unplug appliances you aren’t using. Save electricity by unplugging anything you’re not currently using.
  13. Turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth. Every drop of water counts – don’t let it run if you’re not using it!
  14. Invest in some bamboo alternatives to plastic. Bamboo breaks down in landfills; don’t contribute to plastic waste where there are sustainable options.
  15. Swap out your paper towels for a nice selection of cloth towels. Using towels you can reuse will reduce your paper waste.
  16. Take the stairs – save electricity.
  17. Collect rainwater for your plants. Put out a watering can when it rains so you can use it to water your indoor plants rather than using excess tap water.
  18. Cook using seasonal produce. Using seasonal produce in your dishes will reduce transportation pollution.
  19. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs at home.
  20. Cancel irrelevant mailing catalogs you’re subscribed to. Do you get magazines or journals mailed to your home, only to toss them in the recycling? Skip that step, and unsubscribe.
  21. Switch all your billing to digital to cut back on paper waste.
  22. Bring a plant home! 
  23. Invest in an e-book reader to save paper.
  24. Start a garden. Grow your own veggies at home.
  25. Compost food waste and save your meat scraps for bone broth!
  26. Repurpose miscellaneous containers around the house in DIY projects.
  27. Make your own cleaning products with white vinegar and baking soda, rather than having chemical products in the kitchen.
  28. Help clean up a nearby beach. Do you part to help clean up the community.
  29. DIY a homemade bird feeder to keep local wildlife in your personal ecosystem.
  30. Turn off the lights and go outside to enjoy the weather! Save electricity and get some fresh air.

What are some of your favourite ways to make more sustainable decisions in your day to day life?